You would think that the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy
, Catching Fire, wouldn’t contain quite as many food references as The Hunger Games, but amazingly, it does!
Katniss spends a fair amount of time in Capitol care, such as on the train during the Victory Tour and the big party at the Capitol. They feast at banquets and a lot of the time Suzanne Collins doesn’t go into details about the dishes, but there’s still 47 food references to try (eliminating duplicate references).
Without further ado, here are all the references to food in Book 2, Catching Fire:
- Beaver stew
- Herb tea
- Bean and gourd soup
- Boiled cabbage and burned meat
- Fresh baked bread
- Tea and cookies iced with flowers
- Cold chicken, cheese, bakery bread, and oranges
- Roast duck with katniss tubers and gravy
- Lamb stew with dried plums, orange juice, hot chocolate
- Muffins
- Spit roasted cows, pigs, and goats
- Fowl stuffed with savory fruits and nuts
- Seafood with spicy sauce
- Creamy pumpkin soup with slivered nuts and tiny black seeds – posted November 20, 2012
- Clear green broth that tastes like springtime
- Frothy pink soup dotted with raspberries – posted August 12, 2012
- Small roast bird filled with orange sauce
- Corn syrup on bread
- Corn syrup in tea
- Cake with chocolate flowers
- Toasted bread, cheese, apples, and roast chestnuts
- Mockingjay crackers – posted June 26, 2012
- Stew and bread
- Buns with cheese baked on top
- Peppermints that melt in your mouth
- Chamomile tea with sleep syrup
- Cinnamon and dill bread
- Tea and toast
- Broth
- Cold soup of pureed vegetables
- Fish cakes with creamy lime paste
- Orange filled birds with wild rice and watercress
- Chocolate custard dotted with cherries
- Warm milk with honey and spice
- Dried beef
- Pheasant with jewel-colored jellies, baby vegetables in butter, and parsley mashed potatoes
- Fruit with chocolate fountain
- Peas
- Sausage, eggs, potatoes, bread, juice, and hot chocolate
- Turkey leg
- Toasted bread (marriage ceremony)
- Charred tree rat meat
- Roasted tree nuts
- District 4 bread with sweet raw shellfish
- District 3 bread – bite sized square rolls
- Arena clambake – fish, shellfish, oysters
- District 3 bread, shellfish, and spicy red sauce
- Broth and a roll